Please fill out and submit this application if you would like to be considered for either placing a reservation deposit for a future kitten or purchasing an available kitten from our cattery. Submitting an application does not guarantee you a kitten but is intended to learn more about you so we can determine if our kittens will be a good fit for you. We will only contact you if we have questions about your application or would like to schedule a phone call as the next step in the adoption process.
Please select all options that apply:*
Are you interested in breeding with the kitten that you would get from us?*
Do you have prior experience with cats or kittens?*
If you do have experience with cats or kittens, please briefly describe that experience. If you don't have experience with cats, please describe why you think you would be a good fit for a Ragdoll cat:
Do you or anyone in your home have allergies to cats?*
If you rent the home/apartment where your kitten will live, will your landlord allow cats?*
Do you plan on your Ragdoll being an indoor or outdoor cat?*
As a cattery, we help birth, raise, care for, and love each of our kittens and will describe our experience with each as best we can. Do you understand that we cannot guarantee that our experience with each kitten will be identical to yours?*
Ragdoll kittens can still be playful and energetic. Are you prepared to be patient with your kitten during this phase as they grow into adulthood? *
I understand that my kitten is a living creature that is unique and not a factory made product. I am prepared to be flexible and embrace my kitten's unique personality.*
By submitting this application, I acknowledge the responsibility of loving and caring for a Ragdoll cat for their entire lifetime.*